Menopause and Anti-Ageing Unit


In addition to the time when a woman has already entered this important stage of her life, we must look at the preceding years.

La mujer debe conocer los cambios que van a ir sucediendo en estos años.

After a gynaecological examination, we must confirm the diagnosis of Menopause, whether or not treatment is required and, fundamentally, do everything necessary to improve and maintain a good quality of life.

In our Menopause and Osteoporosis Unit, women will find answers to their needs, which change over the years and therefore our advice and need for gynaecological help will also be different.

It is an age at which women should know what their main areas of concern are: breast, bone, cardiovascular system, etc...

We must do everything necessary to ensure that women can continue to enjoy an excellent quality of life after the menopause.


We can define this disease as the important loss of bone mass and resistance, but the greatest importance lies in its consequence, the fractures and therefore the great loss of quality of life.

It is more common in women than in men.

At the onset of menopause and for five to seven years thereafter, there can be a significant decrease in bone mass, due to a decrease in oestrogen in women.

We must detect the deterioration of bone mass as soon as possible, in order to avoid later fractures.

Knowing the family and personal history is fundamental as information prior to carrying out the "Gold Test", which is none other than a bone densitometry.

This test, which is easy to perform and does not cause any discomfort to the patient, will provide us with sufficient data to know how to act.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease, and when it speaks it is when there are fractures. Our duty is to prevent them.

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