Artificial Insemination

Description and indications

Artificial insemination is an assisted reproduction technique that consists of introducing spermatozoa, previously treated in the laboratory, into the uterine cavity close to ovulation.

Artificial insemination can be carried out during the natural cycle, or after a process of ovarian stimulation, i.e. the administration of hormones for follicle development.

Pregnancy rates are significantly higher in stimulated cycles than in spontaneous cycles.

The results depend to a large extent on the age of the woman and the concurrent causes that have determined the indication for treatment. To this end, a preliminary study must be carried out to help us make a diagnosis.

The process of ovarian stimulation is usually monitored by vaginal ultrasound scans that report the number and size of the developing follicles.

Semen must be manipulated in the laboratory to separate the seminal plasma, select the most motile spermatozoa, concentrate them in a small volume and stimulate their fertilising capacity. This technique is called sperm capacitation.

The sperm can come from the partner, which would be an AIH, or from an anonymous donor. This would be the case with DAI.

Artificial insemination with donor semen (AID)

Donors will always be anonymous, their selection being the responsibility of the medical team, as stated in art. 6.4 of Law 14/2006: "In the application of assisted reproduction techniques, the choice of the sperm donor may only be made by the medical team applying the technique, which must preserve the conditions of anonymity of the donation. Under no circumstances may the donor be selected personally at the request of the recipient. In any case, the medical team concerned shall endeavour to ensure the closest possible phenotypic and immunological similarity of the available samples to the recipient woman.

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