
Description and indications

Many women have seen their dream of becoming a mother come true thanks to egg donation.

This technique is recommended for women with ovarian failure due to menopause, ovarian surgery or who have undergone any treatment that has impaired their reproductive capacity (chemotherapy or radiotherapy), for women who are carriers of genetic diseases that cannot be detected by Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, and for women with poor quality eggs, low response to stimulation, repeated miscarriages and implantation failures.

The donors are anonymous girls between 20 and 30 years of age who altruistically donate their eggs so that other women can fulfil their dream of becoming mothers.

The selection of these donors is carried out after a detailed study as required by law. They undergo a psychological evaluation, a gynaecological examination, and a series of tests to rule out hereditary diseases (karyotype) and infectious diseases (serology).

Donors will be selected for each recipient according to a strict compatibility study.

Eggs from the donor's puncture are fertilised in the laboratory with the partner's sperm or that of an anonymous donor, if applicable.

The recipient woman will undergo a simple treatment consisting of oral, vaginal or transdermal oestrogen to prepare the uterus for the embryo transfer.

It is common for good quality supernumerary embryos to remain after the transfer, so they can be cryopreserved for future use by the recipient.

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